Top 10 Fallout 4 Mods Week 7

In no real particular order as we're not ranking mods already here are the top 10 mods for the seventh week after release of Fallout 4 after the viewership of the lists which I hope you enjoyed. The mods have evolved once more offering some far better high resolution texture and general mods for Fallout 4.

#10: Piper's Trench Coat 16 Variations

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While I'm still using the classic Piper trench coat it's nice to throw that ragid old thing out for a selection of sixteen much more colorful trench coats. One of the examples can be found below and they're quite stylish in the wasteland.

Fallout 4 Piper's Trench Coat 16 Variations Mod

#9: Maggie from The Walking Dead

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It's Maggie, from the Walking Dead. It definitely looks quite like the actress which is amazing considering the tools available to modders at this current moment. Enjoy if you want this preset for your wasteland adventures.

Fallout 4 Maggie from The Walking Dead Mod

#8: Lightbox Floor and Ceiling Pieces

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Its disco time with this mod that adds an array of lights panels to set up. This can create some funky looking displays for your wasteland or add some better variation of lighting at the least. It certainly creates a much more colorful wasteland.

Fallout 4 Lightbox Floor and Ceiling Pieces Mod

#7: Tree Farms - Harvestable Wood

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It's annoying to see all this perfectly harvestable trees just living around the wasteland. With this mod you can now harvest trees through tree farms in a similar fashion to growing any other crop. This will certainly make it easier to obtain wood without the hassle of buying it.

Fallout 4 Tree Farms - Harvestable Wood Mod

#6: Business Settlements

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Time to add some better flair to your businesses with the signs of business settlements mod. This makes a wide variety of signs available for you to create a more unique store center.

Fallout 4 Business Settlements Mod

#5: Branded Alcohol

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As with past lists I'm always looking for some more realism with my mods and this mod creates some branded alcohol for a much more real environment. There are some well known brands and they fit onto the bottles quite well.

Fallout 4 Branded Alcohol Mod

#4: Charming Piper

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Piper is of course my companion of choice in the wasteland and this is a beautiful mod that does a great job at making her appear younger while still looking like the Piper I've grown accustom to across our adventures.

Fallout 4 Charming Piper Mod

#3: Higher Voice for Piper

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This mod goes perfectly with the last one as there are various voice tweaking options with many aiming to make her sound younger and sweater at the same time. It keeps the same audio file, but just tweaks it to a softer pitch so you still get a voice that you're used to.

Fallout 4 Higher Voice for Piper Mod

#2: Wasteland Build a Bear

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This mod is damn awesome, it adds build a bear into the wasteland. That's right, using an assortment of items you can create a great array of hilariously deadly teddy bears. I had a great laugh with this one and I'm sure you'll love it too.

Fallout 4 Wasteland Build a Bear Mod

#1: More Than One Way to Skin a Cat

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Despite having such a dark sounding title this mod is for the cat lovers out there as it creates some variation between the surviving felines of the wasteland. There are also plans to add even more changes to the cats like sizing or more textures. Oh, enjoy the lovely cat cluster photo below.

Fallout 4 More Than One Way to Skin a Cat Mod

Hope you found this seventh week of Fallout 4 mods helpful in living your wasteland life. If you created/have seen any mods that we should check out feel free to send me an email, comment of just let me know in the comments.

Check out our Fallout 4 Mods Week 4
Check out our Fallout 4 Mods Week 5
Check out our Fallout 4 Mods Week 6
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Ranking by: Jason Stettner

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner
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