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Every Street United Episode 6 Review

"Finally See the Skills in Action"


In this episode of Every Street United we were finally treated to a bit of action in seeing all of these players compete for the first time. This was split into two parts of one where they played as a team against the locals that were rounded up and another where they did 1v1 scrums against one another. The first was a test to see how the group could cooperate with all their differing skills being shown and that of course was a predicted mess as they were all showing off. Which made sense as they were playing for the role of captain for the two teams. After a good half and more drama for one of the players with their injured legs we saw the players start to communicate. This was brought on by coaches comments and my pick Nabil definitely stepped into the spotlight as I thought he would. It was also great seeing all of their strengths in comparison to one another and what unique skill they bring to the field. From there they went onto 1v1 battles made by the coaches in order to determine what players would fit right for teams. This in regards to the captains they picked and whom they can get to balance their skill off. Nabil himself easily destroyed the first chosen opponent though was snuffed off the second which seems to be a strategy to pick what defence would best benefit the team. It was a good face off and the action this episode finally displayed a match up, though that tease of seeing the teams made up was too much.

The Conclusion

We grow every closer towards the end of Every Street United and it looks like these last two coming up are going to be intense. I wonder if that injury will hold back the one individual and am really excited to see the teams after the next episode. I formulate guess at this point, though I feel my pick will have the superior team. It will be interesting to the see them play more and train for that once in a lifetime match that's coming up. See you next week for the penultimate episode of Every Street United.

Every Street United

Rating Overall: 8.0

Reviewed by: Jason Stettner

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner