Sunset Overdrive Install Size

The install size for Sunset Overdrive has been revealed coming in at a rather decent size at launch releasing on October 10, 2014 and taking up a total of 26.06 GB on the Xbox Store and 27.76 GB on the Windows 10 PC Store. The game is also not Xbox One X enhanced providing no 4k resolution with no HDR support. Sunset Overdrive is all about speed and comedy as you battle through this wacky tale. Work through an intense narrative that never aims to be serious as this corporation tries to clean up after a terrible mutation event during one of their launch parties.

Things go wild and as one of the last survivors left you need to round up others in order to survive. Assist with silly quests, battle against massive sets of monsters and battle back to save the lost city. It is just one insane shooter featuring the strangest weapons you could ever imagine and it does this with vibrant colors as you speed fluidly throughout the futuristic city. There's also multiplayer where you work/compete against others to blast creatures and horde based situations. The game also received some post-launch DLC as well with two packs that expanded the narrative further.

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Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner