When first hearing of a bullfighting simulator I was actually quite intrigued as it could be a great time. The whole thing about waving around the red banner as that bull charges towards you in high gear sounds thrilling though it really isn't presented well here at all. Sure the basis of bullfighting is completely missing and replaced with quick button mashes to pull-off moves. Another major issue is the presentation where the games looks like something from the Xbox original, it's a rude thing to say though it does. I feel that there was a huge opportunity missed with not putting any sort of Kinect controls into this package as I just assumed that this game would be prime for it. Other than that I really wonder what the appeal is for this title from the start and it only got worse. The menus themselves are rather horrid and awkward to use which lead only to more despair within the campaign. That's essentially just a number of separate games that are strung together in a row. There really isn't any sort of objective other than gaining points to complete the area. This then repeats constantly in every level, it gets extra boring considering the gameplay is ever so lifeless. Which is quite a shame and I hate to be harsh on games though it really does lack any sort of soul. Sometimes I got more joy from my rigid character getting charged from a bull than trying to combo anything up. There's also some mini games which were strangely more enjoyable than the actual game though they felt out of place. There's one where you're the bull and you knock down doors or one where as a the bull you race to shoot the guy as far as possible. While working through campaign I should also mention that you unlock new things like costumes, bulls and arenas though really meh.
Before each level you pick some pre-built combos to pull off and only those work in the round as you collect points. It's incredibly boring and repetitive beyond belief as each round is close to three minutes. In-between you pull off button combos that show up on screen to do either a stick onto the pull or a stab onto the bull. I don't quite get the point of this though it always gave me enough points for progression so whatever. Then we go onto the next round of combos and I only grew more tired of it, hard to even play a couple matches in a row. Those graphics were dreadful and most the world lacked any sort of textures, the structure was there just it wasn't even built upon.
I like the concept of a bull fighting simulator though after this I hope to never play one again or don't even really want to. The basis of an alright game were here though there's nothing to save about this title. It's far too over priced so it's not even a casual option for players and honestly no value within the title. I hate again to be so harsh on a title though you have to be honest with everyone and this was a horrible game. With Kinect features of some sort it might have been neater though I really have to ask for the second time this generation why this is on the console.
Toro Review on Xbox One
Review Code Provided by Rechotechnology