This table is based on Star Wars Rogue One which is the first Star Wars Anthology film that follows a group of Rebels as they assault Scarif with a desperate goal to steal the Death Star plans. The table includes a number of missions as usual that follow certain aspects of the film while also altering portions of the table. It includes animations for protagonist Jyn Erso and antagonist Director Krennic. There's also full authentic Star Wars sound for various actions such as knocking tie fighters or even with the great music in the background that emulates the series well. When it comes to the table I felt the layout was a bit basic as the main board focus revolves around hitting two wire ramps on either side or the middle tie fighter bouncing section. It's got some more complication than just that, but those were the general main areas I would hit. The initial load for the map is interesting creating a sense of environment with the table being in the middle of Scarif. This is somewhat brought down by the mostly just alright table backdrop that features some regular forest at the top of the table and just some crates sitting around. I did however like the graphic in the middle of the table as it really does capture the entire cast and feeling of the movie in a single image that the table plays around.
The Pinball FX2 Star Wars Rogue One table is a decent addition to the collection though fairly average of a table offering some smooth though very focused lanes to knock the ball through and a boring backdrop. It does capture the feeling of Star Wars well though it really comes down to your opinion of Rogue One. It's at the same quality as other previously tables so that means its solid and it does offer a selection of missions to work through as well. This was certainly a decent table that does bring Rogue One to Pinball form though fairly average in some aspects.
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Review Code Provided by Zen Studios