This is the first Story Pack for LEGO Dimensions and what that means is it comes with a full multi-hour campaign similar to being part of a full standalone LEGO release. This set is based on the Ghostbusters 2016 movie and while that wasn't great, this story pack actually does provide a good summary of the best parts. In regards to the LEGO pieces I was quite disappointed as the portal hub section isn't all that interesting barely capturing any essence of the film. I also didn't care too much for having Abby as a LEGO Minifig, but on the bright side the Ecto-1 vehicle is actually functional. That's really all there's to the LEGO side of things, was not a fan of these elements though it has been super hit or far out miss with the LEGO Dimensions component pieces thus far.
By far this the largest additional content of LEGO Dimensions and this packs at least a few hours of gameplay into a story that follows the events of the movie. Luckily it removes many annoying parts while also adding in the LEGO charm that works so well here. It's your typical setup following a selection of levels that actually take use of the Ghostbusters hub world which was a nice change of pace. Typically these areas are just side pieces and it was great to have them be part of the story. I also liked that in this pack you got to switch between all of the four new Ghostbusters despite not having their Minifigs available, though all four were basically the same once everyone was suited up. Within this pack they added a new portal function where you switch to a different set of ghost dimensions which felt fresh. I did however find that there was far too much repetition with puzzles in these levels that got boring after awhile. There were also two glitchy areas where I had to reset different levels which was disappointing.
Despite not enjoying the Ghostbusters 2016 movie I felt that this story packs stand well on its own only taking the strong parts of the film and transferring it into a fun LEGO experience. It comes packed with hours of extra gameplay in just the story alone which was fantastic, but that comes at a bit of a repetitive cost when it comes to the puzzles. For fans of just the LEGO components they'll be disappointed here as the big portal segment just felt boring despite capturing the essence of the Ghostbuster's hangout in the film. This pack really comes down to whether you liked the movie or want to spend more hours playing LEGO as otherwise I don't think this will be a must have.
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Review Set Provided by Lex PR