DayZ Xbox One Sewing Kit Guide

One of the main questions in the game is about the general use of this helpful tool. The answer is here with the DayZ Xbox One Sewing Kit guide presenting easy details on how to use it. In the game you can find these items scattered throughout the world in various houses. They're not entirely uncommon and you'll most likely come across one in your journey. It is a repair kit that allows you to restore the durability on specific items you come across. It can be used to repair a piece of clothing in "Damaged" or "Badly Damaged" conditional state which will return it to worn.

To use the sewing kit you can throw it on the ground and hold the desired clothing item in your hand. Walk over the kit and then look at it to then activate it using "RT". You can use the kit a few times before it is depleted. It can also be used to stop bleeding, when injured look for the prompt in the bottom left corner while having the sewing kit in your hand. "RT" will once again be the action function. There is also a leather variation for different items, it has very similar functionality to it. You can watch this all in action within the video below, check out our DayZ hub for additional content.

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DayZ Xbox One Sewing Kit Guide Screenshot

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner