DayZ Xbox One How Long Stashes, Gear Stay Buried

One of the many questions surrounding features in this game is about the general use of stashing. The answer is here with the DayZ Xbox One how long Stashes and Gear stay buried presenting easy details on how to do this.

When you place something in the ground it will stay buried for approximately 43 real days of time in DayZ standalone. Update: As of update 1.08 stashes will now last two weeks of real time. This applies to both the Xbox and PC versions of the release.

It should be noted that certain wipe type events might alter this situation. For context you're able to hide item within storage containers and then bury them using a shovel within dirt or low water areas. Place the container on the ground, equip a shovel and then follow the prompt when over the desired item to hide.

You can see that in action within the video that's included here. It's a good way to hide items for other characters to collect or generally just to have more inventory present elsewhere. You'll need to remember the server, but that's easy to favorite. For more coverage and guides on the game view the hub below.

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DayZ Xbox One How Long Stashes, Gear Stay Buried Screenshot

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner