Dead Rising 4 Willamette Mall Map

Dead Rising 4 Willamette Mall map is included below that shows off all the areas of the mall map with over 90% of the areas being filled out. You can click the map below to get a full screen of it if you need to find anything.

Each store is filled to the brim with a variety of items to use, food to eat and clothing to wear. The areas of Willamette mall include the Central Plaza (Opening); Kichiro Plaze (Boss Ring), Carribean Cove (Entertainment & Water Area), Miami Boardwalk (Racing), Amazon Food Court (Food) and Medieval Town (Medieval Area)

Dead Rising 4 Walkthrough

Dead Rising 4 Willamette Mall Map Check out our Dead Rising 4 Review
View the entire map of Willamette

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner