Xbox VR Has Great Potential

The VR race is finally starting to heat up and until recently it looked as though Xbox was not entering this race. That is until a few rumors recently about a potential partnership with Oculus. This is actually something I've been predicting for quite awhile at this point as every Oculus Rift comes with an Xbox One controller. That is most definitely a partnership in the making, not only in just having that for Windows 10 yet also for the potential connection to Xbox One. I would often mention it to my local Xbox reps as well which could only say that there will be news about the Oculus deal in the future (in regards to why the Xbox One controller is packaged with Rift) and they have nothing official to say. According to a number of rumors of which the flames have been fanned by Phil Spencer recently I do believe that Xbox will have a partnership with Oculus. This will be a fantastic opportunity for both Facebook and Microsoft as both will greatly benefit from it. You have the existing owners having unique experiences on Xbox One and Windows 10 while still getting the usual PC offerings. There's also the fact that this will most likely be heavily integrated into the future of Xbox and PCs going forward.

Xbox VR Has Great Potential

It will be even better if they do create unique experiences for Xbox titles or exclusive titles as that makes the Oculus Rift serve multiple purposes. That's important in standing out in what's a very close market of Virtual Reality as it's just starting out and every edge could determine if one VR headset comes out on top. It will also be interesting to see if there's a special Xbox branded Rift or a model that would be more affordable to compete with Playstation VR or not. At the current moment I find this to be a great potential partnership as it provides a VR headset that could be perfect for the average Xbox gamer that plays console games and PC. It would be so simple to switch between the two and it would feel like less of a closed environment compared to the Playstation VR. While the PSVR does have an impressive list of titles coming out for it I could Oculus titles being mixed with Xbox exclusives on console or PC could bring a heavy competition. It'll surely be a crazy for E3 for Xbox if they bring out all the heavy hits and do announce this partnership with Oculus as this type of Xbox VR would certainly be the best buy moving forward. I would be particularly happy if they matched it with the Kinect to make it less stationary as I've seen multiple comments on that aspect of Rift versus Vive.

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Xbox VR Has Great Potential

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner