Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition Announced

It seems as though Gears of War 4 Ultimate Edition has been announced or posted early. Available through the New Zealand Xbox One store it has up pages for Gears of War 4 and its Ultimate Edition for pre-order. This is most likely in to prepare players for pre-order when the games enters open beta. There are some other interesting aspects to read about as well since the game is supposed to be between 70-80 GB and buying this pack grants early access. You can see this information noted below on the images and I'd like to mention the price is local to New Zealand so not any form of North American currency for those that jump the gun there. This allows early access on Friday, October 7th which is four days early and it comes with other features. With that pack you get access to six Gear Packs; Vintage VIP Pack, Unlimited access to new maps and an exclusive VIP playlist. It also includes Vintage Del as well for versus multiplayer. The full set of information can be at the far bottom and I'll be updating this with new information as received.

The season pass will include 24 DLC maps released over the first year for Gears of War 4 with two new maps each month which is insane. If you don't buy digital it'll include a steelbook and in Canada retail for $129.99, the regular game is $79.99 and the season pass is $69.99.

Gears of War 4 Beta Impressions

Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition Announced

Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition Announced

Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition Announced

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner