As a great sign for things to come we've been presented with the Rock Band 4 Box Art in all its glory. It's simple, got a solid tagline and is basically everything I would have guessed for the game. "Start a Band, Rock the World" which has basically been the core of Rock Band since the start is put front and center. Additionally we have the four band mates with their instruments and a crowd. Finally taking a look at the companies presented on box we have Harmonix and Mad Catz. Harmonix is of course developing the title and Mad Catz will be publishing it. I will also take a guess that the game will have a T rating being in-line with past releases. Take a look below at both the Xbox One and Playstation 4 covers below to get ready to rock come fall of this year. The site will have more details in the next week as I personally have a booking with them to check out the game at E3!
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