Well it's the IndieGogo site, but the Lacrosse 15 game is basically a kickstarter program to try and raise money for Lacrosse 15 for consoles. The current goal of the project is to reach $85,000 which would see the game come to Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC. Though there is a further goal to see it come onto next-gen consoles which I really hope is met at $115,000. There are of course many tiers for differing perks which are really cool with having yourself in the game, your company as an official supporter along with other bonuses. Now onto the actual game which looks vastly improved over the Indie Game entries with improved graphics; dynamic character movement, online multiplayer, dynasty modes over years and character customization featuring RPG levelling. I'm really impressed with these changes. There are also a ton of smaller changes that will make the game ever more realistic with improved controls and play of the field. The score will be able to grow to massive numbers and you can even play as the goalie. If this game does happen it will definitely be a big moment for the sport as it will get a lot more notice than the small amount it gets now. I'm quite a fan as I played box for many years and thought it would be great to have a fancy game to play on the occasion. All these details are available on the IndieGogo page from which you can check out on the link below.
Lacrosse 15 IndieGogo Page