Cards Against Humanity: Mass Effect Pack

Cards Against Humanity: Mass Effect pack has been announced bringing 14 lovely crazed cards to battle your humanity in Mass Effect with. This was done on a rather odd tease site which can see linked below. I've also included the hilarious picture from that site as well since it's just hilarious mostly. The limited edition pack is $1 USD and available for a limited time apparently with any missing cards being sold as DLC. These cards are also noted to not have any Andromeda spoilers as they weren't allowed to play it so I assume this would be just based on the original Mass Effect trilogy and something that's perfect for fans. Once again, you can view the full site from the link though I've provided all core details here and they'll sell them until they're gone. So if you want to grab this magical pack be sure to do so right away as the fun of adding Mass Effect to this wild game will be limited.

Cards Against Humanity Mass Effect Pre-Order/Info Page

Cards Against Humanity: Mass Effect Pack

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner